RAR for MS DOS是一款在微软MS DOS环境使用的压缩软件。RAR的优点是压缩率大,速度快当设置成最快压缩方式的时候,压缩包比.ZIP小,而速度却与PKZIP不相上下,更可支持非RAR压缩文件。
RAR for MS DOS更新日志
Version 3.93
1. Bugs fixed:
a) in RAR 3.92 -xd:pathdir switch could also exclude directories,
which path does not match the path specified in the switch
and only the directory name is the same as specified;
b) switches -y -or did not work correctly together. Switch -or was
ignored in presence of -y.
Version 3.92
1. In RAR 3.91 -x
from archiving even if mask contained wilcard characters and did not
contain a path. For example, -x*. excluded all those directories,
which do not have the extension in the name. Now -x switch uses
RAR 3.80 approach for masks without path, excluding directories
only if mask does not contain wildcards and matches the directory
name exactly
2. If file matched two different masks in RarFiles.lst,
RAR could select the last match. Normally, if neither of masks
is a subset of another, the first match must be chosen.