CDBurnerXP主要功能刻录所有种类的光盘 音轨间有或没有间隔的音频-CD 刻录和创建 ISO 文件 刻录过程后的数据校验 创建可引导光盘 多语言界面 BIN/NRG→ISO 转换程序,简易的封面打印,以及更多! 操作系统: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/2008/Win7 (x86 / x64)
* Option to use a custom size for disc spanning
* Made custom media size menu easier to access (no submenu)
* Processing audio tracks now happens at a later time
* Fixed: Silent installation does not work
* Fixed: Stop audio player when starting the burning process
* Fixed: Portable version should not include OpenCandy files